Municipalities and their citizens require value for the money in their digital transformation. Products from Danish OS2 - Public Digitalization Network” can be used to succeed in this transformation.

Products from Danish OS2 - Public Digitalization Network” are backed by many Danish Municipalities and are open source. Open source provides benefits but also has its pitfalls.

Together we design and implement your digital transformation with applications that are flexible and preferably open-source, and have a low cost to run.

All our analysis evaluates products from the “Danish OS2 - Public Digitalization Network” and how each product is matching your needs. We include other products as required.

Together we:

  • Identify and evaluate your business and digital processes

  • Draft and decide where do you want to be in 2, 5, and 10 years

  • Agree on your digital transformation and roadmap.

For more information contact:

Digital Transformation Architect

Kell Kvist

e: kell@wroff.com

p: 0045 91 35 56 28