Companies and individuals sponsor our free education program. Our tutors and students come from all corners of the world. Knowledge will make a better world. Also, we have a focus on providing income to great and passionate tutors.

We have many students on our waiting list and we are looking for new sponsors.

Sponsors and students may contact us at to learn more.

Students with potential - a world with potential

We have been in contact with many great tutors who are missing students. We have potential students who do not have the money to pay for tuition. Our sponsors are helping to bridge this gap.

This sponsor progam provides income to tutors and knowledge to students.

Students have free sessions

Tutors are sharing their knowledge to make a better world

As a tutor you will have an income and you will share your knowledge with the world. Use you knowledge to make a better world.

All tutors have been through a screening process to make sure that the tutoring quality is high. We also offer assistance to tutors who want to master the online tutoring environment. We call this "Tutor the Tutor"

Become a WROFF student - knowledge is power

We have students from around the globe. Contact us at

We are looking for sponsors

We are looking for sponsors. Please contact us at if you want to become a sponsor.

You might provide a general sponsor ship or sponsor specific classes and subjects.

Sponsoring a class will be agreed on an individual basis. Some sponsors have specific requirements and might have own presence.

Screening of tutors

All our tutors are freelancers from around the world. Our tutoring must be of high quality and safe. Tutors are interviewed, tested and instructed. Tutors are hired through portals or directly. WROFF do not make deep independant background investigations nor validations.

Often our tutors are tutoring as a secondary activity which result in a high turn around.

The students and their guardians must follow best practice for online tutoring.

Calendar with free tutoring